Oracle EM12c Quick Reference

OEM 12c comes with many exciting features compare to OEM 11g. That's why there are many options in navigation pane and cloud control panel of OEM12c and It's very difficult to remember each of them.

Managing Exadata with OEM 12c

Many times it happens like we configure something and after sometime if we have to do the same activity then it's very difficult to remember the options from where we have configured earlier and the same effort we have to give even though we know how to do.

Here we have just given list of options available with navigation pane in OEM12c which will act as Quick Reference for EM12c. Hope this will help you.

Click on image to enlarge....

On OEM12c home page we get below navigation pane on top of the screen.

Navigation menu located at top of the left side screen.

It used for navigating the console. There are four menus in navigation pane as below.

Enterprise Menu

It is available to get the view of overall system.Options in Enterprise will give you wide options for monitoring and make it standardize.

Target Menu

It gives access to the configured targets.

Oracle ASR Logfile Location

Location of ASR log on ASR server



Oracle Exadata IORM

IORM is the great feature come with Exadata which gives us to control the resources for multiple databases as well as different workloads on same database . Just given overview regarding IORM.

IORM is the extension of DBRM. IORM does not directly improve efficiency of operation by reducing the amount of resources required but  I/O Resource Manager contributes to improved efficiency by ensuring that in a scenario where there is more demand for a resource than can be simultaneously supplied by the Exadata Storage Server, the most critical operations will deliver a consistent quality of service.

We can priorotize the storage I/O to the Database based on the criticality of the database. IORM deliver consistent performance quality. IORM guarantee that particular DB will get percentage of resources at any time.

When bandwidth is dividing in different workload in same database, it's called intradatabase resource management. In this case IORM does not come in the picture as whole resource utilization can be configured on compute node.

When bandwidth is dividing for different databases, it's called interdatabase IORM. In this scenario IORM need to be configured on cell level.

IORM Architecture:

Integrate Oracle Support with OEM12c

Procedure to integrate Oracle Support with OEM12c

1. First set the proxy if any, otherwise you can keep as it is like no proxy

Go to

Setup -> Proxy Settings -> My Oracle Support

Click to enlarge
Provide proxy settings:

Test the proxy setting:

Apply Proxy:

2. Apply your oracle credentials which you want to integrarte with EM

Oracle Block Change Tracking (BCT)

Block change tracking records the modified blocks since last backup and stores this logs in block change tracking file.

During backups,  RMAN uses this log file to identify the specific blocks (changed block) that must be backed up.

Benifits: BCT improves RMAN backup performance as it would not required to scan whole datafiles to detect changed blocks. It will only see the changed block through block change tracking files and take the back up that clock.

Whenever data blocks change, the Change Tracking Writer (CTWR) background process tracks the changed blocks in a private area of memory. 

When a commit is issued against the data block, the block change tracking information is copied to a shared area in Large Pool called the CTWR buffer.
During the checkpoint, the CTWR process writes the information from the CTWR RAM buffer to the block change-tracking file.

To see the status of BCT Status